Lewa Patil :
The origin of Lewa Patils, at an essential time, came from defence duty (Kshatra Karma). At other times it means agriculture (Krushi Karma) and hence from the beginning they were treated as warriors (Kshatriya).
Lewa :
The sect which is the origin from 'Lava' is called Lewa. The lineage of Ikshwanku, Suryavanshi, living in Ayodhya established new city in Punjab. The name Lahore came from Lava. At present Lahore which is on the bank of Ravi is in Pakistan. This is the original place of Lava sect. The Lava sect which conquerred that part of Punjab is called Leva Region. The people there even now are called Leva. According to some authorities, Lava was born in the 40th generation of Survansh and according to some other authorities Lava was born to Sita from Ram in the 66th generation of Survansh.
After the conquest of region of Punjab Leva Pradesh of Lava sect was conquerred by Irani Gurjar Gang and so this part is known as 'Gujrat Subha'. The Leva Gurjars and Leva Kurmees living in Saurashtra at present have come from this area.
55 generations lived there after Lava. In 144 A.D. these Levas came from Punjab-Gujrat and Leva Province into Saurashtra and therefore Saurashtra got the name of Gujrat. But they left the Punjab in 78 B.C.
Patidar :
According to authorities the word Patidar has different meanings:
Patidar :
An officer of some part or area. According to Patel 'Pati' also means
group or branch during the regime of Mohammad Begada. The Kunbi means cultivator of the land. Therefore he did not give up the land. Patt means part of the land and Patidar means Tax Collector. Patil means chief of the village (Reference Dr. Soni's book page No. 69 if "Marathi Aadnave''.
The word Patil also came from 'Patkil'. Patu means Clever and patta means Chief. The person who established the village used to become Patil. Patil used to become known because of Village recognition. Patil was not a government post or self occupied post. Because of virtues and works, the person used to become Patil. Later on this post became hereditary. Patil became Village King and he got Government honour. Even after getting many posts - the Sardars means soldiers - did not give up Patilship.
Patilship was awarded because of career. This society of Kunbi being the ancestor of Lava and owner of the land is called as Patil. Thus Leva Patil became the name of the cast. Leva Kunbi, Leva Patil, Patidar, Kunbi, Rava, Rava Kunba etc. . Thus this cast is knows by the above names. The Leva Patils belonged to two province (Pargana). Khandesh province (Pargana) and Vidarbha provice (pargana). Each province (pargana) had Bhorgaon Panchayat. The head of this province (pargana) got government rights (Deshmukhi rights). The chief of Khandesh Leva Province (pargana) was Deshmukh, the Thorgavane Deshmukh of Yawal . The chief of Vidarbha Leva Province (Pargana) was Varade of Datala - Dudhalgaon Budruk. He was Vatandar Deshmukh.
In the Leva Pargana of Khandesh, the Thorgavane Deshmukh of Yawal lost recognition of his leadership. He remained the chief of Thorgavan branch and the Savadekar Leva branch of Khandesh, Navghare and Kandarkar - in these three branches the leadership went to Bhortek and thereafter it went to the Police Patil of Padalse. This change took place during the British regime and therefore Police Patil of Padlase did not get Deshmukhi. On the contrary, in Vidarbha Province Varade Panchayat chief of Datala, Dhudalgaon Budruk from Deshmukh family got it because of the confidence and support of Leva Patils. Datala Dudhalgaon Bk. chief named Varade got the leadership of Leva province of Vidharbha. The family chief (Kutumb Nayak) of Jat Panchayat and Deshmukhi continued with him but the Government dismissed Deshmukhi Vatan and so the work of Leva Panchat decreased day by day. The Family Chief of Bhor Panchyat of Deshmukhi of Leva Province became things of the past - Ref. Maharashtra State Gazatier, Dist. Jalgaon,